Harry Potter home learning resources

In this blog you will find resources to help you do some home-learning with the wonderfully bewitching theme of Harry Potter. These activities are designed to be easy to resource, fun (hopefully!) and best of all, to provide some solid educational value in line with what your children should be learning at school. I’ve also […]

3 tips to help teach primary school maths during lockdown

If you’ve read my other blogs on home-learning – thank you for taking the time and I hope you found them helpful. It’s been lovely to receive a lot of positive feedback about the blogs – at the time of writing, my blog 7 tips for home schooling primary school children has over 45,000 views! […]

5 useful hints to help with primary school reading during lockdown

First things first, lucky you! What a joy to have some time to share stories with your children. I still remember the loveliness of snuggling up with my parents as a child and being read to. I frequently tell children in my class that I believe stories are the best thing in the world; in my opinion, they […]

Home schooling primary aged children during lockdown – a guide to writing

I’m joined again by Georgia Aspinall, a teacher at Holly Spring Primary School, as she shares tips and advice for parents trying to help their children with their learning at home. In this blog, we’re taking a look at how to help your kids with their writing. If you’ve already read my 7 tips for home-schooling […]

7 tips for home schooling primary school children during lockdown

In this series of blogs, my wife and all-round superstar teacher Georgia Clare will be sharing some of her experiences and thoughts on how to make home schooling during lockdown a little less painful for parents and children alike. You can also read her in-depth guide to helping kids with writing, and reading and 9 […]

What marketing should I be doing during Coronavirus?

I know, I know, it’s another bloody Coronavirus article. Sorry. But I do think it’s an important discussion to have. As B2B marketers, we are often taught to capitalise on live events – it adds immediacy to the brand, it helps you reach more prospects, it makes you look like your company is an active […]

3 ways to feel great about home working

Covid-19, Coronavirus, Corona – whatever you want to call it, this pandemic is unlike anything any of us can remember. And businesses up and down the country are responding by enabling their people to work from home, to reduce the risk of the virus spreading. Your LinkedIn feed is likely already humming with people talking […]